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I am the youngest of 7, a working-class family. I am a high school dropout. I was the tender age…
Round, white, unmarked tablets – likely sold as ‘Mylan’ or ‘Xanax’ – are circulating in Victoria. They contain five novel benzodiazepines.
Novel benzodiazepines (benzos) produce some similar effects to prescription benzos but are often more potent and unpredictable.
Five different novel benzos have been detected in these tablets: bromazolam, clonazolam, etizolam, flualprazolam and flubromazepam. These tablets are not a pharmaceutical product and do not contain alprazolam (the active ingredient in Xanax® and Kalma® branded prescription benzodiazepines).
Benzodiazepines are central nervous system depressants, which means they slow down messages between the brain and body. Their effects can include anxiety suppression, sedation, amnesia, and disinhibition (doing risky things without being fully aware you’re doing them). Higher doses can lead to drowsiness, reduced consciousness, difficulty breathing, and death. Dependence can form rapidly if taken often.
Prescription benzos are medications, but new non-pharmaceutical benzodiazepines (‘novel benzos’) have emerged worldwide in recent years, sometimes made to look like prescription benzos. Novel drugs have not been well-studied but can be more potent and unpredictable than more common drugs.
These tablets may lead to unexpected and impairing effects in small doses
People who are used to prescription benzos may expect a particular (mild) effect from a single pill. In contrast, people in Victoria who have consumed as few as one of these tablets have required emergency medical intervention (no other drugs were involved).
The presence of multiple, interacting novel benzos in these tablets means unwanted effects are more likely. It is unusual to find five different benzos in one tablet. In particular, clonazolam, flualprazolam and flubromazepam have stronger effects in small amounts, and a longer duration, than other benzos.
Using any benzos with other depressants such as alcohol or opioids increases the risk of overdose.
Reducing the risk of harm:
If you experience adverse drug effects, or are present when someone has an unexpected reaction, seek help immediately by calling Triple Zero (000).
All alcohol and other drug use comes with risks, so:
This Alert was reproduced from the Victorian Health Department, published 05/05/2022
Written by Anonymous
I am the youngest of 7, a working-class family. I am a high school dropout. I was the tender age…
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