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Safer Using – 2F-NENDCK (CanKet)

About 2F-NENDCK or “CanKet”

2F-NENDCK (short for 2-fluoro-Nethylnordeschloroketamine, also known as CanKET, 2’-fluoro-2-oxo-PCE or 2-FXE) is a novel dissociative drug that was initially identified at the CanTEST health and drug checking service as well as a forensic laboratory in China.1,2 After its identification by researchers at the Australian National University, 2F-NENDCK was initially called 2’-fluoro-2-oxo-PCE after which it became colloquially known as “CanKet” as in “Canberra ketamine”.1 Novel synthetic drugs like 2F-NENDCK are commonly referred to as “designer drugs” or “research chemicals”. These drugs often have very little research into their safety and effects on humans, which is indeed the case for 2F-NENDCK.

At CanTEST, 2F-NENDCK has been found numerous times in samples that were expected to be ketamine.3,4 According to CanTEST’s final evaluation, only 57% of the 81 samples expected to be ketamine actually contained ketamine as of April 2023.5 The remaining 43% of the 81 samples contained other dissociative drugs, including 2F-NENDCK, 2F-DCK, and tiletamine (a veterinary dissociative anaesthetic), as well as other psychoactive and non-psychoactive compounds.3 According to, a drug checking service in the US that analyses samples sent by mail, numerous samples sold as ketamine, FXE, 2F, MXE, 2F-DCK, and even heroin, fentanyl and ibogaine, actually contained 2F-NENDCK.6

If you suspect your ketamine may be adulterated or contain a different drug entirely, consider taking a small sample to a drug checking service such as CanTEST. Ketamine testing kits (e.g., may also be able to differentiate between ketamine and 2F-NENDCK.

2F-NENDCK belongs to a class of drugs called arylcyclohexylamines, which also includes ketamine. In fact, the chemical structure of 2F-NENDCK is almost identical to ketamine (spot the difference?). Despite the similarities, small differences in chemical structure can lead to relatively big differences in the pharmacology, toxicity, and subjective effects of drugs.7 For example, PCP (phencyclidine) and 3-HO-PCP are both members of the arylcyclohexylamine class, with 3-HO-PCP only differing at one position in its chemical structure.8 Despite this small difference, 3-HO-PCP is more potent than PCP, has a slightly shorter duration of effects, and interacts with μ-opioid receptors to a much greater extent than PCP, possibly causing differences in its subjective effects and safety.8-10

2F-NENDCK Effects

The subjective effects and pharmacology of 2F-NENDCK have not been formally studied. However, people who have previously used ketamine report similar effects but with some noticeable differences.7,11 One user reported the following differences compared to ketamine:11

  • Felt more intoxicating.
  • Effects seemed stronger but plateaued sooner.
  • Vision was affected more.
  • Stronger sense of disorientation.
  • Felt more of a hangover the next day.

For an overview of the effects of ketamine, please visit:

The following are some more user reports describing the effects of 2F-NENDCK:

  • An anonymous user who was interviewed by VICE World News described the effects of 2F-NENDCK as “very similar to ketamine, but not as deep or introspective” and “the ‘happy’ feeling was lacking a little bit.”7
  • “It has dissociative effects similar to ketamine, but feels fairly different. On top of the dissociative effects, it resulted in some mild euphoric feelings, some mild nausea, and its effects were still being felt after 4+ hours. It also resulted in a bit of a hangover the next day.” – anonymous user who submitted a sample to DrugsData.org12
  • “Not euphoric. Just visuals and body high” – anonymous user who submitted a sample to DrugsData.org13
  • “Really fast onset, tripping for 6 hours (def not ketamine)” – anonymous user who submitted a sample to DrugsData.org14
  • “Caused a head change; one user reported staying up late due to feeling energized.” – anonymous user who submitted a sample to DrugsData.org15
  • “…is much more recreational than past 2fdck experiences. Very stimulating, serotonergic and longer duration.” – anonymous user who submitted a sample to DrugsData.org16

In summary (TL;DR), the effects of 2F-NENDCK appear to be as follows:

  • Dissociation of mind from body.
  • Mild to no euphoria.
  • Strong visual distortions.
  • Disorientation.
  • Nausea.
  • Stimulation/energisation.
  • Hangover the following day.

Additionally, the effects appear to last longer than ketamine, possibly lasting 4-6 hours.4,14,16,18

2F-NENDCK Dosing 

Since the potency of 2F-NENDCK has not been documented, it is especially important to start with a low dose and wait before redosing (start low and go slow). It may be useful to take a smaller dose of 2F-NENDCK and work up to the desired effects/intensity, rather than simply matching your preferred dose of ketamine. This may reduce the risk of an accidental overdose.

The following is a rough guide for dosing ketamine as a reference (not 2F-NENDCK):17

LOW DOSE – 20-50 mg

MEDIUM DOSE – 50-125 mg

STRONG DOSE – 125-175 mg


Like ketamine, the strength of a dose of 2F-NENDCK likely depends on the route of administration with injection possibly being stronger than snorting or oral administration.

2F-NENDCK Overdose, “Holing”, and Toxicity

The risks associated with overdosing 2F-NENDCK or mixing it with other drugs are largely unknown. 2F-NENDCK likely causes anaesthesia at high doses like ketamine, which could cause loss of coordination, motor control or consciousness.18 Additionally, mixing 2F-NENDCK with other depressants, including alcohol, GHB, and opioids, may be particularly dangerous since the combination could increase the risk of vomiting, loss of coordination, and unconsciousness.17 If a person falls unconscious while combining these substances, place them in the recovery position to prevent vomit aspiration.17 2F-NENDCK may have unpredictable effects when mixed with other drugs or prescription medications.

Some ketamine users seek a high-dose experience known as a “k-hole” (also called “holing”) which consists of complete dissociation and partial anaesthesia but allows the user to retain some degree of consciousness and memory of the experience.18 It is unknown whether 2F-NENDCK can produce a similar “hole” experience and what the correct dose required to achieve this would be. Taking very high doses of 2F-NENDCK could cause other unpredictable and possibly dangerous effects.

While the risk profile of 2F-NENDCK may share similarities with ketamine (, its unique risks and toxicity are still uncertain. Long-term ketamine use is known to cause kidney and bladder problems with symptoms similar to a urinary tract infection.19 This has been called ketamine bladder syndrome or ketamine-induced cystitis.19 The symptoms of ketamine bladder syndrome can include:19

  • Blood in urine. 
  • Kidney pain.
  • Bladder pain.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Waking up and needing to urinate at night.

It is unknown whether long-term or even short-term use of 2F-NENDCK can affect the kidneys and bladder in the same way as ketamine or to what extent it does so. Anecdotal reports from people who have used FXE (which may have actually been 2F-NENDCK, see below) state that it causes similar symptoms, with some users claiming the symptoms are more severe than those resulting from ketamine use.20,21 If you are experiencing symptoms of ketamine bladder syndrome, consider visiting a non-judgmental health professional such as the GP or nurse at the CAHMA clinic.


FXE (also known as fluorexetamine, 3’-oxo-2-PCE, or 3-FXE) is a novel dissociative drug, supposedly with effects similar to ketamine, which has been circulating on the drug market since 2017.22 FXE is almost identical in chemical structure to 2F-NENDCK, differing only by the position of the fluorine (F) atom. As such, it is very difficult to distinguish between FXE and 2F-NENDCK using most analytical chemistry methods.

In April 2023, released a statement saying that all samples previously identified as FXE actually contained 2F-NENDCK.23 This was due to a reliable standard for 2F-NENDCK becoming available in 2023 which prompted the revision.23 Based on this revision and their own analysis of samples sold as FXE, a user on Reddit speculated that most FXE circulating in the drug market is in fact 2F-NENDCK.24

The above reports suggest that 2F-NENDCK is more prevalent on the drug market than previously expected. According to, 2F-NENDCK has been detected in a total of 37 samples mailed to them by users.6 These were most commonly sold to the users as ketamine, FXE, MXE, or 2F-DCK, and some samples also contained other drugs.6












[11] Anonymous user report














Written by Darcy Lynch

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