Naloxone kits now available via post - click here.

Oaks Estate Community BBQ

Oaks Estate Oaks Estate, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Free food and drink available. Naloxone training and kits Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor Sexual health checks Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis C treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations Covid vaccinations and boosters Methadone, Buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment Blood tests Support letters if you are properly […]

Ainslie Village Community BBQ

Ainslie Village 23 Quick St, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Free food and drink available. Naloxone training and kits Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor Sexual health checks Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis C treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations Covid vaccinations and boosters Methadone, Buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment Blood tests Support letters if you are properly […]

Reach, Teach, Treat, Thrive – Hepatitis Testing Clinic

CAHMA Drop In Centre 17/54 Benjamin Way Beloconnen ACT, 17/54 Benjamin Way, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Finger prick test - noninvasive by a peer support workerCall to make a booking Can not have been tested in last 6 months $40 payment for initial blood If positive - CLEAR YOUR HEP C with easy viral medication, ongoing incentives, support and education through the process Require bank details for payment

Veterans Park Community BBQ

Veterans Park 50 Bunda St, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Free food and drink available. Naloxone training and kits Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor Sexual health checks Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis C treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations Covid vaccinations and boosters Methadone, Buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment Blood tests Support letters if you are properly […]

Reach, Teach, Treat, Thrive – Hepatitis Testing Clinic

CAHMA Drop In Centre 17/54 Benjamin Way Beloconnen ACT, 17/54 Benjamin Way, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Finger prick test - noninvasive by a peer support workerCall to make a booking Can not have been tested in last 6 months $40 payment for initial blood If positive - CLEAR YOUR HEP C with easy viral medication, ongoing incentives, support and education through the process Require bank details for payment

CAHMA Clinic

CAHMA Drop In Centre 17/54 Benjamin Way Beloconnen ACT, 17/54 Benjamin Way, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor- Sexual health checks - Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. - Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis Y113 treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations - Covid vaccinations and boosters - Methadone, buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment - Blood tests- Mental health care plans - Support letters if you are […]

Oaks Estate Community BBQ

Oaks Estate Oaks Estate, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Free food and drink available. Naloxone training and kits Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor Sexual health checks Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis C treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations Covid vaccinations and boosters Methadone, Buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment Blood tests Support letters if you are properly […]

Reach, Teach, Treat, Thrive – Hepatitis Testing Clinic

CAHMA Drop In Centre 17/54 Benjamin Way Beloconnen ACT, 17/54 Benjamin Way, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Finger prick test - noninvasive by a peer support workerCall to make a booking Can not have been tested in last 6 months $40 payment for initial blood If positive - CLEAR YOUR HEP C with easy viral medication, ongoing incentives, support and education through the process Require bank details for payment

Veterans Park Community BBQ

Veterans Park 50 Bunda St, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Free food and drink available. Naloxone training and kits Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor Sexual health checks Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis C treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations Covid vaccinations and boosters Methadone, Buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment Blood tests Support letters if you are properly […]

Reach, Teach, Treat, Thrive – Hepatitis Testing Clinic

CAHMA Drop In Centre 17/54 Benjamin Way Beloconnen ACT, 17/54 Benjamin Way, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Finger prick test - noninvasive by a peer support workerCall to make a booking Can not have been tested in last 6 months $40 payment for initial blood If positive - CLEAR YOUR HEP C with easy viral medication, ongoing incentives, support and education through the process Require bank details for payment

CAHMA Clinic

CAHMA Drop In Centre 17/54 Benjamin Way Beloconnen ACT, 17/54 Benjamin Way, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor- Sexual health checks - Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. - Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis Y113 treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations - Covid vaccinations and boosters - Methadone, buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment - Blood tests- Mental health care plans - Support letters if you are […]

Oaks Estate Community BBQ

Oaks Estate Oaks Estate, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Free food and drink available. Naloxone training and kits Drop-in visits to nurse and doctor Sexual health checks Referrals to other healthcare services that require a referral. Blood borne virus treatment – Hepatitis C treatment, Hepatitis B vaccinations Covid vaccinations and boosters Methadone, Buprenorphine and Buvidal treatment Blood tests Support letters if you are properly […]