CAHMA supported its community through the outbreak of Covid-19 with brokerage, food and necessities and peer treatment support.

The Community Development Program (CDP) is the backbone of the CAHMA community. Through the CDP, community members can access volunteer pathways that can lead to employment, further education and opportunities to help people in need. Anyone with lived experience of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use can become CAHMA volunteer. If you are passionate about our community and want to contribute and learn, get in contact with us.
CAHMA provides training, practical skills development, mentoring and supervision within the harm reduction framework. CAHMA’s volunteer training course consist of five modules of training:
CAHMA supported its community through the outbreak of Covid-19 with brokerage, food and necessities and peer treatment support.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peer treatment support and groups
Peer education, health promotion and harm reduction programs at CAHMA
Australia’s first naloxone program training community in overdose identification and reversal.